organic produce if possible. They taste
better and have more nutrients. The stronger the color, the healthier it
Cleaning Veggies and Fruits
your vegetables well to kill germs, and spin it down well to prolong
shelf life. Wash all fresh fruits and vegetables with cool tap water
immediately before eating. Don't use soap on them. Scrub firm produce
such as melons, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, etc., with a clean produce brush. Cut away any
bruised or damaged areas before eating. Squeeze the air out of the
storage bag if you intend to store vegetables. Fresh produce should be
refrigerated within two hours of peeling or cutting.
My opinion is that plain water won't kill
germs. I think that veggies should be washed, whether organic or not, to
get rid of as much bacteria, preservatives, and pesticides as possible.
Some recommended ways, from various
sources, to clean veggies.
● Half white vinegar and
half water used in a spray bottle. Spray generously and rinse in cold
● A weak solution of
Palmolive dish liquid (just the old green kind). Rinse well after
washing. Other dish soaps would probably work as well. Use a "little
bit" and fill a small spray bottle the rest of the way with water. Mix
well, spray veggies, and rinse.
● Baking soda and water
● Mixture of 1 cup water, 2
tablespoons baking soda, and 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Use spray bottle
to spray veggies, let set for a few minutes, then rinse.
● In Dr. Mercola's Total
Health Cookbook& Program (p. 17), he recommends soaking your fruit and
vegetables for 10 minutes in a mixture of water, vinegar, and hydrogen
peroxide. Proportions are not given.
● Water, vinegar, and salt.
About 1/4 cup vinegar and 1 teaspoon salt to a gallon of water. The
vinegar cleans the fruits and vegetables, while the salt draws out any
critters, dirt, and anything else undesirable.
● My allergist recommended
that I use Rokeach Kosher Kitchen Soap to clean veggies and fruits.
● One exception is
mushrooms. They should not be soaked because that allows them to absorb
extra water and whatever is mixed in the water.
research shows it may help prevent Alzheimer’s
The intake
of adequate levels of folic acid has long been
associated with healthy pregnancies in women (and many
health-care systems prescribe folic acid as a matter of
course to women in the early stages of pregnancy).
Scientists now believe that this long-established
medical practice may contribute to the significantly
lowered rates of Alzheimer's disease noted among women.
Studies have found that folic acid breaks down
homocysteine, a hormone which is found in high levels
among people suffering from Alzheimer's disease.
Broccoli is one of the very best sources of folic acids
available naturally in food. Increasing intake of
broccoli may, therefore, prove one of the most effective
and easily administered defenses against this
debilitating disease.
Greens are
high in antioxidants, minerals,
vitamins, and fiber. Eat
kale, spinach, red and green leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, bok choy.
Eat at least one serving per day of any of these leafy greens as part of
your five servings (or more) per day minumum.
only leafy greens: romaine lettuce, butter lettuce, green leaf, red
leaf, spinach, etc. NO ICEBERG LETTUCE (nonnutritious iceberg lettuce
creates a gassy intestinal tract, leeches minerals, and is handled in
the body like plastic or cellulose).
not eat iceberg lettuce. It is mostly water, low in fiber and nutrition
yes! Iceberg lettuce no! If you knew what happens to iceberg lettuce
before it gets to the supermarket, you would regard it as compost
material at best. It has no nutritive properties to make up for its
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July 23, 2005