Links Page


Links to Web sites regarding diet, weight loss, nutrition,

and some recipe sites. I will continue to add to this as I can find the time.

I am not endorsing all of these sites or their content and have some disagreements with some of them.

If you come across any sites that no longer exist, please let me know so I can remove them from the list.

I'll try to keep these lists in alphabetical order by URL.

After visiting these links, click your browser's Back button to return to this page.



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7-Day Menu Planning Chart

I created a Microsoft Word document in chart form to make it easier for me to plan menus. I print the form and use a pencil to write in my menu plans so that I can make changes as the week progresses. I save them for future reference. If you would like a copy of this chart, right-click the link below and save the file to your computer.


7-Day Menu Planner



Sites with dieting aids and nutrition data

Choose from the menu to view the nutrition data for your favorite fast foods and restaurants.

A tool to calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and determine how many calories to eat to lose or maintain your weight.

The Calorie Control Council. Several calculators, articles and commentaries including an article "Calories Still Count."

Reader's Digest Change One diet.

BMI Calculator

Activity Calorie Calculator

Food Nutrition Search

Metric Conversion Charts

This is a Web site for tracking foods, exercises, weight loss, and goals online. FitDay claims to "provide you with the feedback and analysis you need to stay on track towards your diet and fitness goals." I personally do not use this site, but many people do, because they have over 750,000 members. I tried it once for calorie tracking, and decided that it wasn't for me. It's too time-consuming, and they do not have everything that I eat listed there, and no recipes that I use. I find it easier and more accurate to read labels on the brands I use and refer to the books that I have for other foods and when calculating my recipes.

NutritionData (ND) provides nutrition facts, Calorie counts, and nutrient data for all foods and recipes. "ND tells you, in simple terms, what's good and bad about the foods you eat, and helps you select foods that best meet your dietary needs." Search the site for a food category and/or a particular food item. Has the nutrition label; the percent (per serving) of carbs, fats, protein, caloric ratio; and much more very detailed information. Also includes nutrition data for fast foods.


For details in figuring out net carbs, go to



Sites with fiber charts

Fiber recommendations vary from 25 to 35 grams of fiber per day (more for men than for women). Find what works best for you. I've read where our “ancestors” consumed up to 100 grams per day!



General health and nutrition sites

Meat Consumption and Cancer Risk from the American Cancer Society, gives information about the connection between diet and cancer, specifically meat and cancer.

Atkins Diet Alert brought to you by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM).

Signs, symptoms, and indicators of the effects of a low carbohydrate diet (scroll about a third of the way down the page).

John and Erika are licensed physicians and talk radio hosts, and hosts of this Web site. Their goal is to “help enrich the lives of people by empowering them with knowledge so they can take charge of their health and not be dependant on physicians or the pharmaceutically dominated medical system that controls them.” Some of their Spotlight items are: Frankenfoods  Hydrogenated Fats & Sugars  Cottonseed Oil  Splenda  Aspartame - Liquid Parkinsons  Dangerous Medicine  Death by Medicine

Good article about diabetes by Dr. Lam.

Web site of Dr. Andrew Weil, MD. This Web site is a leading provider of online information and products for optimum health and wellness.

Dietary guidelines for Americans. This page has the guidelines that the government has issued for every five years from 1980 through 2005.

All about saturated fats, monounsaturated fats, and polyunsaturated Fats.

Medicinal Food News was born out of the desire to help consumers make informed choices about their diet and how it affects their health. There are many articles here (click on "Articles" and "In The News." You can also search the site for items of interest to you.

Dr. Mendosa's excellent Web site.

Dr. Mercola's comprehensive Web site.

The Healthy Living Bookshelf, featuring the complete text of 21 Rodale health books on-line.

Founded in 1985, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) is a nonprofit organization that promotes preventive medicine, conducts clinical research, and encourages higher standards for ethics and effectiveness in research.

Getting a good night's sleep is crucial to our health and well being. This site is a comprehensive information guide about sleep disorders. You'll find descriptions, symptoms, causes, and treatments of various sleep disorders like sleep apnea, insomnia, snoring, restless legs, narcolepsy, and others you probably didn't even know existed.

The Weston A. Price Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charity founded in 1999 to disseminate the research of nutrition pioneer Dr. Weston Price, whose studies of isolated nonindustrialized peoples established the parameters of human health and determined the optimum characteristics of human diets. Dr. Price's research demonstrated that humans achieve perfect physical form and perfect health generation after generation only when they consume nutrient-dense whole foods and the vital fat-soluble activators found exclusively in animal fats.

The George Mateljan Foundation for The World's Healthiest Foods. Their purpose is to show you enjoyable, convenient ways to eat healthier that fit your busy lifestyle. Also has recipes. Established by George Mateljan to "discover, develop and share scientifically proven information about the benefits of healthy eating, and to provide the personalized support individuals need to make eating The World's Healthiest Foods are enjoyable, easy, quick, and affordable. The Foundation is not-for-profit, so we can offer an independent perspective that is not influenced by commercial interests."



Miscellaneous recipe sites


There are thousands of recipes sites on the Web. I will post a few links here, in alphabetical order by URL, adding more as I have the time. If you come across any broken links, please let me know so that I can remove them from this list.


You'll find healthy as well as unhealthy recipes on these sites, so you'll need to look for recipes on these (and other sites) that are appropriate for healthy eating or can be modified successfully to fit within the guidelines. Most of these sites have vegetarian pages, and I have also listed some vegetarian-only sites following this list.

Simple, healthy recipes and important health tips. Many of the recipes are for the George Foreman grill. Be sure to click on Simple Health Tips and some of the other articles and links you will find there.

A "fabulous" site. Be sure to check out the Features and the Fit & Fabulous sections as well as the Recipe section.

Recipes using Mrs. Dash seasoning blends. Mrs. Dash seasonings are both salt free and sugar free. You can add salt to your recipes to your taste. Note: The marinades are salt free but have 1 gram of sugars per serving. Click here for tips on how to use each Mrs. Dash product.

Recipes using the sugar substitute Splenda. Many of their recipes use flour, butter, cream, etc., and so are not acceptable on a low GI diet.



Vegetarian sites

There are many vegetarian Web sites. I'll add to this list as I have the time.

Information on Vegan Diets.

A Guide to Healthy Weight Loss: Three weeks on a low-fat vegan diet gets you on the road to your healthy weight goal.

Vegetarians in Paradise. Good site, lots of info. Cute graphics, too. I like Aunt Nettie.



Food pyramids


Building a Better PyramidHarvard School of Public Health Food Pyramid

If the only goal of the Food Guide Pyramid is to give us the best possible advice for healthy eating, then it should be grounded in the evidence and be independent of business. Instead of waiting for this to happen, nutrition experts from the Harvard School of Public Health created the Healthy Eating Pyramid. It is based on the best available scientific evidence about the links between diet and health. This new pyramid fixes fundamental flaws in the USDA pyramid and offers sound information to help people make better choices about what to eat

Sugar Busters pyramid


Four Healthy Eating Pyramids:

Mediterranian Diet Pyramid

Vegetarian Diet Pyramid

Asian Diet Pyramid

Latin American Diet Pyramid

The low carb pyramid. Even though low GI diets are not called low carb diets, they are lower in carbs than most other diets.



Glycemic index lists and information

Glycemic Load, Diet, and Health by Harvard Women's Health Watch (Monday, 07-10-2002)

Probably the most in-depth GI information available on the Internet, put together by researchers at the University of Sydney.

Two lists: one by food type, the other by GI from lowest to highest.

Revised International Table of Glycemic Index (GI) and Glycemic Load (GL) Values—2002 by David Mendosa.

To find Prevention's Pocket Guide to the Glycemic Index, you have to go to their home page first, then click on the "Food & Nutrition" link at the top of the page, then from the “Food and Nutrition” page, you have to go about halfway down to the “Popular Articles in Food and Nutrition” box, then click on “Glylcemic Index.”

Stevia's glycemic index page.



Web pages about hydrogenated oils/trans fats and why we should avoid them.



Sites about sugar and why it's harmful to our health


Are you in Sugar Shock?

Sugar is one of the most dangerous substance on the food market

Ways That Sugar Affects Your Health

Refined Sugar—The Sweetest Poison of All

The Perils of Sugar

Sugar Lovers Beware


For more sites on sugar and other sweeteners, see my Sugar Page.




Some of these products use Splenda or maybe some other sugar substitute. Use at your own risk. See my Controversies About Foods page.

Ideas on how to use the DaVinci sugar-free, calorie-free flavored syrups. These are carried in stores like TJ Maxx, Marshall's, and some supermarkets sell the vanilla flavor in the coffee section.

The freshest coffee, tea, and some other products.

Sugar-free, calorie-free, no-carb salad dressings as well as pancake syrup and a patented a calorie-free, sugar-free chocolate syrup. You might can find these products locally, but if not, they're available from this site.

The world's ultimate sugar substitute. All natural, and guaranteed to taste like sugar.



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This page on-line September 18, 2003


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Page counter reset 12/20/03 after moving site to new Web host.



Recipe Pages—All Phases (1, 2, and 3)

Phase 1 List of Foods to Enjoy and Foods to Avoid

    Phase 1 Breakfasts Phase 1 Lunches 

 Phase 1 Main Dishes—Beef Phase 1 Main Dishes—Chicken Phase 1 Main Dishes—Fish 

 Phase 1 Main Dishes—Turkey Phase 1 Main Dishes—Meatless 

 Phase 1 Vegetables Phase 1 Legumes

Phase 1 Soups with Meat Phase 1 Soups—Meatless

Phase 1 Salads—Main Phase 1 Salads—Side Phase 1 Salad Dressings

 Phase 1 Desserts Phase 1 Snacks


Recipe Pages—Phases 2 and 3

Phase 2 List of Foods to Enjoy and Foods to Avoid

Phase 2 Breakfasts Phase 2 Lunches 

 Phase 2 Main Dishes—Beef Phase 2 Main Dishes—Chicken Phase 2 Main Dishes—Fish 

 Phase 2 Main Dishes—Turkey Phase 2 Main Dishes—Meatless 

 Phase 2 Main Dishes—Pasta ~  Phase 2 Legumes & Grains

Phase 2 Vegetables Phase 2 Soups-Meat ~ Phase 2 Soups-Meatless

  Phase 2 Salads—Main Phase 2 Salads—Side Phase 2 Salad Dressings

Phase 2 Desserts ~  Phase 2 Snacks Phase 2 Breads & Bread Products


Recipe Pages—Phase 3

Phase 3 List of Foods to Enjoy and Foods to Avoid

Phase 3 Breakfasts 

Phase 3 Main Dishes—Beef Phase 3 Main Dishes—Fish ~  Phase 3 Main Dishes—Turkey  

 Phase 3 Vegetables ~  Phase 3 Salads—Side Phase 3 Salads—Main Phase 3 Salad Dressings

 Phase 3 Desserts Phase 3 Snacks Phase 3 Breads & Bread Products


Miscellaneous Recipe Categories

(Phase listed under recipe title)

Bean Salads Crock Pot Deviled Eggs and Egg Salads   Drinks, Shakes, Smoothies

Eggnog ~  Guacamole Salsa Hummus and other Bean Dips and Spreads

Marinades, Mixes, Sauces, Seasonings

Potlucks, Parties, Holidays, Appetizers  ~  Sandwiches


Tips, Links, Menu Planning Chart, & Miscellaneous Pages

Tips for Beginners General Tips for Everyone ~  Tips About Specific Foods

Tips on Reading Nutrition Labels ~  Tips about Exercise

Food Combining ~ 2005 Government Guidelines for Diet and Exercise

  Links to other diet and health Web sites Download 7-Day Menu Planner

Low Carb Products Protein in our Diets Top Antioxidant Food Charts

Controversies About Foods Weight Loss Cartoons

Main Diet Page

MizFrog's Pad Home Page MizFrog's Pad Site Index



This is a personal Web site. Any material and information on this Web site is general in nature and neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice or any other advice on personal health matters.  I bear no responsibility for what you do with the information you find on this Web site. You should not use the information on this Web site, or the information on the links from this site, to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare provider. Links to other Web sites are provided as a courtesy only, and I am not responsible for any information on these other sites and cannot guarantee accuracy of their contents. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information contained herein with other sources.

Copyright Notice

All Web site design of, and the selection and arrangement thereof , © 2003-2009 by Sandra Keller and Web site design is protected by US Copyright Laws and cannot legally be used without the written consent of the owner. The copyright of some of the graphics and images incorporated within this Web site are copyrighted by a third party and have been purchased for use on this site. Some others are from the public domain, and all text images were created by the author of this site.